Mastering Mindset: Essential Shifts Before Launching Your Business

The notion that deciding to start a business is the toughest part might be a common refrain, but as someone well into my entrepreneurial journey, I've discovered a different reality.

Taking that first bold step, venturing into the unknown before feeling fully prepared, marked the beginning of a profound transformation. While the journey brought challenging lessons, they paved the way for breakthroughs that shaped my mindset and molded me into the person I needed to be for the extraordinary opportunities life had in store. It's been a journey – not perfect, but undeniably transformative.

Feeling the entrepreneurial calling means you're meant for it. Your pursuit of dreams contributes to the collective growth. Stand confidently in your power, becoming everything you're destined to be. Your journey will impact many lives.

If the prospect of starting a business still feels daunting, understanding the mindset shifts in the early stages could be your confidence booster. In this in-flight magazine article, I share candidly the evolution of my mindset as the CEO of High Flying Design over nearly three years. Take notes on the shifts that resonate with you.

1. Abundance is Everywhere:

In an abundant world, opportunities, magic, and wonder abound. Embrace this mindset by counting your blessings and cultivating gratitude daily. Shift from complaints and gossip to positivity and thankfulness. Seek the light in every situation; it transforms your world, a lesson learned through experience.

2. Life is Always Working for Us:

Even when things seem to go awry, consider it a redirection toward what truly aligns with your path. Challenges are stepping stones to your most authentic self. Trust the process, view life as an adventure, and embrace every season's purpose. No coincidences – just preparations for a soaring future.

3. Infinite Resources Await:

Dream clients, money, and love are accessible resources. Cultivate a mindset of abundance, approaching life with excitement for the future. Live each day with joy, and watch everything fall into place. Believe in your capability to achieve great things; the impossible becomes possible through unwavering belief.

4. Self-Worth Beyond Achievements:

You are inherently worthy and deserving. Your value isn't defined by your job, possessions, or achievements. Self-worth is rooted in your unique, authentic self. Combat comparison in the social media realm. Enhance self-worth through mindful practices, nature, and reflection. Prioritize self-love and enjoy the journey.

5. Health is Wealth:

Prioritize your health, well-being, and happiness. Contrary to hustle culture, taking care of yourself is essential for sustainable success. Avoid burnout by scheduling movement, rest, and time for personal life daily. Design your dream routine, and embrace the freedom to make your own schedule. Affirm: "I am walking in my most successful and soul-nourishing season."

6. Embrace Teamwork and Seek Help:

Recognize the power of collaboration. Investing in experts frees up time to focus on your strengths. Risks become less daunting when shared. Seek help, delegate, and watch your capabilities soar.

7. Fear is the Gateway to Rewards:

Unlocking the magic of your dreams often means staring down fear and saying, "Not today." Your intuition, that wise mentor within, is there to light the path of growth. It's a journey where imperfections are not only okay but welcomed, where "Someday" transforms into "Today."

Now, let’s talk real about gearing up for the wild adventure called starting a business. Forget the Insta-perfect hustle – it's about embracing the unpredictable chaos. And guess what? You're not alone in those "Am I crazy for doing this?" thoughts.

As you dive into this rollercoaster, stash these mindset shifts in your arsenal, your secret weapons. Count those blessings, find the enchantment in the mess, and know that life’s cooking up something epic, even if the recipe seems a bit wonky right now.

And hey, a little reminder: Your dreams? Totally valid. You’re destined for more greatness than you can fathom. So, kick perfection to the curb, take that leap, and brace yourself for the journey's surprises.

More on High Flying Design

Shannon Kate Murray

Our founder, Shannon has 7+ years of experience in marketing and communications, and holds a first-class degree in fashion journalism. Earlier this year, Shannon gained a certified in NLP, EFT Tapping, and Life & Success Coaching.

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