4 Types of Highly Effective Blog Content

A website's blog can employ dozens of different content types to drive traffic. In this piece, the two primary categories and two of the most impactful subcategories of blog content are covered. Understanding the different types of content will help create more of it, and, in the best-case scenario, attract more of your dream clients, increasing business revenue.

Primary types of blog content:

  • Evergreen

  • Topical

Secondary Types of blog content:

  • How-to articles

  • Lists

1. Evergreen Blog Posts

Blogging is a long-term marketing strategy. So, it makes sense to create content that will earn your website traffic consistently for years to come. “Evergreen” content, named after trees like pine and spruce that don't lose their leaves, is a post that focuses on a topic that stands the test of time.

In addition, "Evergreen" content isn't seasonal (hence the name) and will generate a steady flow of traffic regardless of the time of year.

Some examples of “Evergreen” topics include "Harmful Chemicals in Make-Up" and "Environmentally Friendly Shampoo." Each topic is relevant in the beauty industry and isn't subject to seasonality.

We highly recommend using evergreen content as the foundation of your blog. You want posts that will earn traffic year over year.

The downsides to “Evergreen” content are the search terms will be highly competitive, and building a long-term content strategy can be frustrating, but it will pay off in the long run.

2. Topical Content

"Topical" or trending content can earn high organic search volume in a short period, but traffic will eventually taper off.

Examples of trending topics include "Treating Maskne" and "Easter Make-Up Trends."

3. How-To Articles

As we get into the subcategories, it's important to remember that all blog content will fall under the two primary categorizations - "Evergreen" or "Topical."

How-to articles are usually a form of evergreen content that receives high search volume. Searching "how to do something" is one of the most common interactions online.

An example of each type of "How To" topics are below: 

Topical: "How To Treat Up Maskne"

Evergreen: "How To Use Foundation"

While properly researched "How To" topics will lead to valuable content with common keyword search terms, you don't want to become redundant and have a blog full of "How To" posts. 

4. Lists

Google loves "List" or "Listicle" content; the posts are highly prevalent on page one for many search queries.

Below are examples of both types of "List" content.

Topical: "5 Best Oscar Outfits"

Evergreen: "5 Ways to Elevate Jeans"

Lists have a better chance of appearing on page one because they offer highly organized, easy to skim articles. Most people don't read every word of an article and can scroll through, read the headings, and still retain value from the post in just a few seconds.

Other Types of Blog Content

While there are only two broad categories of blog content, there are dozens of subcategories. Next time you are thinking of blog topics, be sure to consider the following:

  • Interview

  • Case study

  • Checklists

  • Video breakdown

  • React content (articles covering current events, news articles, popular YouTube videos, etc.)

  • Personal stories

High Flying Design

High Flying Design is an online magazine & community for women invoking change, launching something new or carving a unique path in life.


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