How to Create Momentum After Taking a Break From Work

After indulging in a well-deserved winter break, do you find yourself grappling with the challenge of re-entering the work routine? I certainly am!

I resumed work last Wednesday and experienced an exceptionally productive day (yay!). However, since then, I've encountered a bit of a struggle. The precise reason for my current lack of inspiration or motivation eludes me, but I am determined to flip the script on this short story. Unlike the linear act of reading a physical book, I recognize that repeating the same actions won't yield a different result. This time, a shift in my actions was imperative to transition the energy in my space from a dormant state to that of an empowered CEO.

Here's an overview of the steps I took to rekindle my work momentum after a break:

Clean your work space

It’s probably been a while since you’ve been here, ask yourself the following questions…

  1. Do the surfaces need dusting? Or the floor need a hoover?

  2. Could the room benefit from the window being open for an hour or so?

  3. Could it do with some fresh flowers or a new plant?

I opted for all three, with the bonus of a new fresh scented candle.

Plan your day/week ahead

If the first thing you do when you sit down at your desk is plan what you need and want to get done today, you have a better chance of actually getting it done. I keep track of all action plans and goals on my Notion Dashboard, and then use an undated daily productivity planner to jot down my to-dos for that day.

Wear an outfit that makes you feel like your highest self

On my first day back to work after the winter break, I opted for a gorgeous pink power suit pant that helped me embody my highest self — who runs a successful multi-million pound business. Consider what outfit will quite literally, get you into your entrepreneurial mindset.

Reconnect with your business friends

I find forming friendships and catching up with people who do similar things to you keeps you feeling super excited and passionate about what you are working on or towards. You might choose to talk to people in a similar career path to you through Instagram, LinkedIn or even on WhatsApp. Out of the three, WhatsApp is my favourite as I’m a fan of voice notes, and WhatsApp lets you listen to voice notes for more than 24 hours after receiving them.

Last year I took the next step and actually met up with my business friends. We hung out in gorgeous cafes, hotels and spas and took time for both work and play. This is something that I will 100% be bringing into 2023… I already have a few remote working dates scheduled in my diary with other online business owners to help us beat the winter blues.

Consume content featuring people who have already been (or are) where you want to be

By starting your working day with content on in the background featuring people (or characters if you prefer catching up on your favourite career-inspiring tv show) who have already been where you want to be, you can expect to experience similar results to what you might experience if you were reconnecting with your business friends… Inspired and motivated came straight to my mind.

Lately I have been loving consuming entrepreneurial content from Haley Hoffman Smith. And when I’m not in the mood to really listen to others, I find high vibrational ambience music equally as uplifting.

Play with your working hours

One of the best things about working from home or working for yourself as a business owner is the freedom to choose your own working hours. If your body clock doesn’t agree with the standardised 9-5 life, change it! If you’re a night owl, schedule your day to play in the morning and work in the evening. And if you’re an early bird, you might prefer the opposite! But if your normal routine isn’t working for you right now, maybe it’s a sign to change it. You really are free to do what you want to do, but remember to not be so hard on yourself while during the experimental phase.

Have a tip that I’ve missed? Leave it in the comments below for everyone to benefit from!

Shannon Kate Murray

Our founder, Shannon has 7+ years of experience in marketing and communications, and holds a first-class degree in fashion journalism. Earlier this year, Shannon gained a certified in NLP, EFT Tapping, and Life & Success Coaching.

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